27 March 2010

upcoming Show

The Amber Field
copyright 2008 elisa ann lindstrom

I found out earlier this week that "The Amber Field" will be shown at the 2010 Chicago Art Open. I had been on pins and needles wondering if any of my pieces got accepted so when I found out it was really very exciting for me. The show will be at the River East Art Center in late April through early May. For more information you can check out the Chicago Artists Coalition Online. I'll post more about it closer to the event.


  1. Yay, congratulations, Elisa!! This is SUCH a wonderful painting, it deserves to be part of the show.

    I'm so happy for you!

  2. Congrats on the Chicago Art Open! Yippeee!

  3. WoW! Congrats!!! Super duper cool:)


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