14 February 2013

meet the collectors: Courtney and Tim

About this time last year, I posted some pictures of what was going on in my studio on my Facebook Fan Page. Courtney, who is probably one of my biggest collectors, saw the pictures from the Winter Connections collection and said she wanted them.  She and I emailed back and forth about it and decided that she would buy them later if they were still available. Then I got an email from her husband, Tim, who wanted to buy them as a gift for Courtney (top secret). He bought them and we planned out how I would get them to him without Courtney knowing.  It was a lot of fun being a part of this romantic surprise.  Since it's Valentines Day, I wanted to interview them so you could hear their story:

two of the Winter Connections pieces in Courtney & Tim's home

Tim, how did the idea come to you? 
T: Courtney liked the set and kept talking about saving up for it, so I decided to come up with a scheme to surprise her for Valentine's Day.

Courtney, did you have any idea he was up to something? 
C: I had no idea! I was prepared to save up for them and hope they were still available by the time I could purchase them :-) I had just had a surgery and was recovering-- he gave them to me and said they'll be nice to look at while you are recovering. It was very sweet.

How did you two meet?
C: We met at work. I thought Tim was super cute and I told one of my coworkers. She walked over to him and said you should ask her out (unbeknownst to me). So, when I went to the copier that was located near his cubicle, he came over and asked me out. He was shy and super cute about it. We went to lunch and the rest is history!

What is your favorite romantic gesture Tim/Courtney has done for you? 
C: Tim gave me a red swingline stapler-- we both love the movie. It just appeared one day on my desk.
T: Courtney asked me to marry her at our favorite dive restaurant. She slid a little box over to me and I opened it-- it said "will you marry me?"
C: Also, we both are pretty quiet and shy so for the first few months of dating we ended up writing love letters to each other every day-- every day! I have at least a hundred from him and he does from me. We're goofy that way ;-)


  1. I LOVE THIS STORY! Courtney is one of my favorite people in the whole world. This makes my heart jump with joy! YAY! :)


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