28 September 2012

a behind the scenes look...

...at what everything really looks like when I'm shooting pictures for the new look on elisaann.etsy:

This is what you see on my shop for each listing (serene, quiet, minimalist, simple):

Purple Flowers IV by elisa ann lindstrom

This is what it really looks like (busy, semi-chaotic, over-flowing with toys):

When I was thinking of revamping my shop look, I went all over the condo trying to find the perfect space with great lighting. Well, I found it where I least expected it: in my daughters room. It's the least minimalist room in the home and I have to take everything off the top of the bookshelf whenever I take pictures. But it's got great light for the shots. It's also got a very natural/warm bookcase that used to be mine when I was a kid. So there you have it -- one of my little secrets. Let's just keep this between you and me, okay?

Wishing you a wonderful weekend 


  1. I love that you shared this one :) For the picture you don't need that much space. I haven't visited your Etsy Store in some time, but now I noticed you have some really great pieces!


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