18 December 2012

Following a 3 1/2 year-olds decorating tips for the holidays

This year, I let little one be in charge of the holiday decorating.  Honestly, I really want to relax my ideas of what should go where.  Our tree (seen above) was the only thing I felt compelled to "fix".  It was really cute but all of the ornaments were in one section of the tree. One section. That was it.  So I spread them out a little so the darn thing wouldn't topple over. 

She likes to place the reindeer looking out the window. 

When she is not playing with him.

And of course we have a window cling set of the Peanuts Christmas Pageant. She lined them up the way she lines up her Halloween candy after trick-or-treating. I love the lines, they make me smile.

She and I made a snowman after I found a random bag of cotton balls on a day that was too cold to go out to play (and I still have that darn air boot).

 We also made our own little banner with some leftover brown shipping paper I had. She wanted it to say "Have a holly-jolly pink Christmas". So I figured, what the heck, I'm letting her be in charge of the decorations, why not?

 Happy Holidays, folks!

Did you do anything different this year?


  1. She is freaking adorbs. And an artistic visionary, obvi. Lines are where it's at.
    Good work loosening up the Virgonian reins and letting girlfriend do her thang:)

    1. Thanks girl. Lines are where it's at and don't you forget it. Yes, I am trying to loosen up the Vigonian reins. Super hard to do I must say. We baked cookies tonight and I let her do the shapes and icing. Good times.


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